Friday, September 12, 2008

Crime and Punishment.....

I'm going to skip the "currently" thing because I just did that not too long ago.

My sister is an unrepentant thief and liar. I feel no shame in saying this. She has stolen money REPEATEDLY from everyone in my house. She has stolen hundreds of dollars from my parents. She continues to sap from my koffers. Recently, my brother hasn't been stolen from, most likely because I never see him with any cash money.

I just found out that my sister has cleared out my piggy bank, disguised as a pig shaped teapot. While it might not be the most clever of hiding spots, thats beside the point. I don't know how much she stole, all she left was 4 dollars and a few coins. I don't know when she stole it. But my dad managed to get her to confess. She is on probation indefinitely. No Homecoming, no allowance, no nothing. If I had kept my assets documented, I would have grounds to call the police. We can't document how much she stole, so that isn't an option. She is in for a rude awakening when she gets out on her own and she steals. Learn from her mistakes, kids. Don't steal.

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